IFSC codes of all banks in tamil nadu

Below are the IFSC code of all banks in tamil nadu with branch details. Click on the individual IFSC code for more details. Banks uses different code for its different banking service. Make sure to check your IFSC code with recipient or bank before starting your money transfer. Cross checking provided IFSC code directly with your recipient bank is highly recommanded.

IFSC codes of all banks in tamil nadu

Bank City Branch IFSC Code
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited THIRUNELVELI THIRUNELVELI UJVN0001657
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited NAGARCOIL NAGARCOIL UJVN0001658
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited MADURAI MADURAI UJVN0001660
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited CHENGALPATTU CHENGALPATTU UJVN0001661
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited MANJOOR MANJOOR UJVN0001662
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited TAMBARAM TAMBARAM UJVN0001663
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited MULLIPALLAM MULLIPALLAM UJVN0001666
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited GENGANALLORE GENGANALLORE UJVN0001667
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited IRUPPU IRUPPU UJVN0001668
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited PANAIYUR PANAIYUR UJVN0001669
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited KOTTAMANGALAM KOTTAMANGALAM UJVN0001670
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited BOGANALLUR BOGANALLUR UJVN0001673
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited CHENNAI VELACHERY UJVN0001674
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited LALGUDI ANGARAI UJVN0001675
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited DHARMAPURI JITTANDAHALLI UJVN0001676
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited MALLAPADI MALLAPADI UJVN0001677
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited PAPPIREDDIPATTI TENKARAIKOTTAI UJVN0001680
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited CHENNAI MOGAPAIR UJVN0001681
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited CHENNAI PORUR UJVN0001682
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited THENNAMPATTI TENNAMPATTI UJVN0001693
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited PACHAMPALAYAM PACHAMPALAYAM UJVN0001696
Ujjivan Small Finance Bank Limited KOTTAPALAYAM EAST KOTTAPALAYAM EAST UJVN0001707

Understanding IFSC Codes

IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) is an 11-digit alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies all banks and their respective branches participating in the online funds transfer process.

The IFSC Code is assigned to each bank branch by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to monitor the online transfer of money. The electronic or online transactions for transferring funds via NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer), RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement) and IMPS (Immediate Payment System) cannot be initiated without a valid IFSC Code.

Benefits of Indian Financial System Code (IFSC)
The code uniquely identifies a specific bank branch, hence helping customers to avoid any possible mistakes during the online transfer of funds via NEFT, RTGS or IMPS. The customer need not visit the branch for any financial transfer, hence can opt for online money transfer with the help of IFSC Code. It is, therefore, a rather convenient and eco-friendly option. All the online transactions including paying bills can be easily processed with the help of the IFSC code. The code is used by the RBI to monitor all the online transactions performed by an individual hence eliminating the chances of any discrepancy in the fund transfer process

IFSC Code Format

IFSC Code example

BBBB - First 4 characters - bank code (only letters)

R - Next 1 characters - The fifth character is 0 (zero) and reserved for future use.

XXXXXX - Next 6 characters - represents branch (letters and digits)

IFSC - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is Indian Financial System Code (IFSC)?
IFSC or Indian Financial System Code is an alpha-numeric code that uniquely identifies a bank-branch participating in the NEFT system. It’s a 11-digit code with the first 4 alpha characters representing the bank, and the last 6 characters representing the branch. The 5th character is 0 (zero). IFSC is used by the NEFT system to identify the originating / destination banks / branches and also to route the messages appropriately to the concerned banks / branches.

How can I find the IFSC of a bank-branch?
Bank-wise list of IFSCs is available with all the bank-branches participating in NEFT scheme. List of bank-wise branches participating in NEFT and their IFSCs is also available on our website. All member banks have also been advised to print the IFSC of the branch on cheques issued to their customers.

Who can avail NEFT system for fund transfer / receipt?
Individuals, firms and corporates maintaining accounts with any member bank, participating in the NEFT system, can electronically transfer funds to any individual, firm or corporate having an account with any other bank in the country participating in the NEFT system.

Is there any limit on funds / amount to be remitted through NEFT system?
No, there is no limit imposed by the RBI for funds transfer through NEFT system. However, banks may place amount limits based on their own risk perception with the approval of its Board.

Can the NEFT system be used for remitting funds even by those who do not have a bank account?
Yes, the person having no bank account can remit funds through NEFT to a beneficiary having a bank account, with another NEFT member bank. It can be done by depositing cash at the nearest NEFT enabled branch of any bank, by furnishing additional details such as complete address, telephone number, etc. Such cash remittances will, however, be restricted to a maximum of ₹ 50,000/- per transaction.

Can I send funds to my relative/friend residing abroad through NEFT system?
The outbound remittances through NEFT system are permitted only to Nepal under Indo-Nepal Remittance Scheme. Under this scheme, the remitter can transfer funds from any of the NEFT-enabled bank branches in India to Nepal, irrespective of whether the beneficiary in Nepal maintains an account with a bank branch in Nepal or not. The beneficiary would receive funds in Nepalese Rupees.

What are the operating hours of NEFT?
The NEFT system is available round the clock throughout the year on all days, i.e., on 24x7x365 basis. NEFT presently operates in batches on half-hourly intervals throughout the day. In case of non-availability of NEFT for any reason, appropriate message will be broadcasted by RBI to all system participants.

What are the essential details required for remitting funds through NEFT system?
The essential elements of beneficiary's identification are:
Beneficiary's Name
Beneficiary's Branch Name
Beneficiary's Bank Name
Beneficiary's Account Type
Beneficiary's Account No.
Beneficiary's Branch IFSC

How much time should I expect for receipt of funds by beneficiary?
You may expect timeline of two hours from the batch settlement within which beneficiary’s account should be credited.

What happens if I write wrong account number of beneficiary?
The credit is given to the account number written / given by remitter in his / her application / instruction. Credit to beneficiary account is released solely based on account number. It is the responsibility of remitting customer to write correct account number. The originator / sender should exercise due care in providing the correct account number of the beneficiary, in the NEFT remittance instruction / application.

How can I check a IFSC code?
You can use IFSC Code Checker tool to cross check your IFSC code. It is important to cross check your IFSC code with recipient bank before initiating money transfer.

How can I track status of NEFT transactions initiated? Who should be approached to know status of the NEFT transaction?
The remitter and the beneficiary can track status of NEFT transaction by contacting NEFT Customer Facilitation Centre (CFC) of their bank, respectively. Details of NEFT Customer Facilitation Centre of banks are available on the websites of the respective banks.